Cochlear Electrolysis thanks:
GOD (my Creator and Father), Y2K4, Loopers Delight, Pioneers of electronic music, Reed Ghazala (circuit bending creator/pioneer) Brian Eno, my parents (Lenny and Pat Sauvageau behind me through thick and thin), Ginger (for her contribution) Danny Wicks (Mr. DJ), Dr. Homayoun Azar (Johnny A the producer),
Jim Strecker (ZEOS), Mark and Deb Johnson (the dream begins),
Michelle Whipple (friend), Tetra Pak (Tetra Rex and the many friends there who support me
daily), Wooddale (my first gig). Lenny (my inner child) Leo (my inner
driving force), Leo Servant (my alter-ego), Invisible Art Productions (my baby), Atonomy
Lion (my brain child), GARY NUMAN ( the reason I bought my first synth), PRINCE (for inspiration and my learning of production,
arrangement , composition, audio engineering, mixing, and mastering during listening
to his music.) Tangerine Dream for willing to create some of the first electronic music)
This website has been created by Cochlear Electrolysis a.k.a Leo
***This website has been created by Cochlear Electrolysis***